Friday, January 21, 2011

“Hey, Do You Have a Minute for the Environment?”

In our first assignment for photojournalism we were asked to buy a disposable camera and find a story. Having no real background in photojournalism, this assignment proved to be much more difficult than I thought it would have been. This assignment forced us to step out from behind the glass of our nice DSLR's and behind the cardboard of your everyday disposable and forget everything we thought we knew about photography.  We are also required to turn in all of our photos in black and white which often changes the overall dynamic of the picture. This first photo was turned in to be graded and the rest are other shots from the same roll.

“Hey, how are you doing today? Do you have a minute for the environment?” Aidan Schauer, 26, asks this question, a lot.  Aidan works for Environment Washington, a statewide environmental advocacy organization, traveling to different to different districts in Wash. in search of donations. Here, Aidan approaches Western student Gilbert Vancitters, 21, explaining his organization and their cause. “We usually come to Western once a quarter depending on the response we get, the response was great last quarter so we tried to come back early winter quarter. ”Aidan and three other members of Environment Washington traveled to Bellingham on Jan. 18, 2011. Posted below is a link to Environment Washington.

Environment Washington



         Aidan Schauer, 26 - Winter 2011

         "Wow! It's a Taste that Beckons" - Bellingham, WA - Winter 2011

        Bellingham, WA - Winter 2011

        "Bad Day" - Bellingham, WA - Winter 2011

        Bellingham, WA - Winter 2011


  1. Beautiful, a good example of why we chose to live in the great northwest!!

  2. Great! Everybody should work to save the environment where he is living.
    And I think you have a lot of work to do in WA

  3. shouldn't have been loitering
